A selective herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds in turf and lawn situations.
3D herbicide is a sedge and broadleaf weed herbicide containing 192 g/L bentazone, 112 g/L MCPA and 19 g/L dicamba
- It is registered for the control of a wide range of dicot weeds and sedges in a broad range of recreational turf situations
- 3D Herbicide is very safe on a large number of established turf varieties including couch, Qld blue couch, fescue, carpet, centipede, Kentucky blue and rye grass
- A key feature of 3D Herbicide is its low odour, schedule 5 characteristics, making it easy to use and safer for use in public environments
- 3D Herbicide is one of the broadest spectrum broadleaf weed & sedge herbicides available on the market, registered to control a minimum of 12 key weeds
- 3D herbicide contains dual modes of action for improved performance and resistance management.
Usage Rates:
3D Herbicide is applied at a rate of 6 L - 20 L/Ha (60 mL – 200 mL/100 m2 ). In most situations the 6 L/Ha (60 mL/100 m2 ) is sufficient to control most weeds.
To enhance coverage and movement of the active ingredients into the plant, it is recommended that 3D Herbicide be mixed with a crop oil concentrate (COC), such as Hasten.

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Click here for the Tech Note
Click here for the SDS