Stadium is a broadleaf weed herbicide containing 300 g/L MCPA (potassium salt), 15 g/L diflufenican and 20 g/L clopyralid.
It is registered for the control of a wide range of dicot weeds in a broad range of recreational turf situations.
Stadium can be used on a large number of established turf varieties, including Common Couch, Qld Blue Couch, Kikuyu, Buffalo, Paspalum, Fescue and Ryegrass.
A key feature of Stadium is low odour and schedule 5 characteristics, making it easy to use and safer for use in public environments.
Stadium is one of the broadest spectrum broadleaf weed herbicides available on the market, registered to control 7 key weeds.
Stadium contains a dual mode of action for improved performance and resistance management.
Use rates
Stadium Herbicide is applied at a rate of 5 L/ha (50 mL/100 m2 ). To enhance movement of the active ingredients into the plant, it is recommended that Stadium be mixed with a non-ionic surfactant.
For optimum results it is best to apply to actively growing weeds. Ideally, DO NOT mow the turf for 2 days prior to and following the application.
Transient discolouration may occur on kikuyu, carpetgrass and Qld Blue Couch.
Varietal differences in certain buffalo grasses (eg. ST85) may produce more pronounced effects and it is recommended that small areas be tested for turf safety before large scale applications occur.