All tall fescues are NOT the same! RTF® tall fescue is a standout in research and development and data shows it is the only true Rhizomatous Tall Fescue.

A trial was conducted to compare rhizome formation in a number of commercially available tall fescue varieties that claim to produce rhizomes. It is known that tall fescue plants sometimes make rhizomes or produce tillers that are often mistaken for rhizomes.
Data shows it is very clearly only 2 varieties, Labarinth RTF® and F1B RTF® plants consistently exhibited greater rhizome production than the other varieties.
Summary of the trial concluded:
RTF® varieties from Heritage Seeds/Barenbrug produce 20 times more rhizomes per variety than other so called “rhizomatous tall fescue” varieties. These so called rhizomatous or rhizomatic claimed varieties produce the same amount of rhizomes as a regular tall fescue variety.
The average length of rhizomes in Heritage Seeds/Barenbrug RTF® varieties increases as the plant matures, thus increasing the spread of the plant.
If water restrictions and local drought conditions cause you to panic about maintaining green turf during the summer months then choose RTF!
1kg RTF Seed for up to 30m2
(Rate = 3-4kg per 100sqm of new lawn)